This project is located at the entrance of Massey College, a residence for sixty University of Toronto graduate students and a significant work by Ron Thom. Acting as both a ramp and seating, it is a social hinge in the space, mediating traffic from the dining hall, common room, and upper library. The design provides an accessible extension to the meandering paths of the Massey College Quadrangle while also providing additional seating. Borrowing from the language of Ron Thom, the ramp and furniture piece is considered a part of the stratified landscape, and constructed out of L-shaped components that resonate with the College. The project takes on symbolic significance by its attachment to the back of the hearth—the social and structural centre of the College. This project is a prototype to study how the community would use the space, and plans to improvise with this design after gathering input from users.


Project Team

Marcin Kedzior, Eliot Callahan, Bronwyn Colford, Jocelyn Hajash, Ashley McNair, Jonathan Sharf, Saksham Sharma, and Liam Thornewell